Welcome to the blog section of our new website.

Here Sara and I and guests will post musing, links to stuff that interests us, follow ups to workshops and events.

Neither of us profess to be writers, but we hope you will find some of what we share, useful, enjoyable to read, funny, challenging, and worth stopping by here from time to time.

Here Sara and I and guests will post musing, links to stuff that interests us, follow ups to workshops and events.

Neither of us profess to be writers, but we hope you will find some of what we share, useful, enjoyable to read, funny, challenging, and worth stopping by here from time to time.

Our Blogs


Podcast - Feel Better - Live More - #321 Dr Rangan Chatterjee

November 18, 20242 min read

Podcast - Feel Better - Live More - #321 Dr Rangan Chatterjee 

I love a walk - sometimes having a podcast, or music accompanying me is a really lovely  way to spend some time “filling my cup”! I absolutely loved listening to this podcast  hosted by Dr Rangoon Chatterjee with his guest James Clear who wrote the book Atomic  Habits. We are all creatures of habit… and if we are cultivating (knowingly or  unknowingly) “bad habits” that don’t serve us well, taking time to review and reprioritise  may be time well spent  

In the yoga context you may have heard the following being referenced. 

Samskara - habits or patterns. (A groove or a rut in the cart wheel) these can be  physical and mental  

Sankalpa - Sankalpa means an intention or a resolution. The Sanskrit origin of  Sankalpa (resolution) comes from San, meaning "a connection with the highest  truth," and Kalpa, meaning "vow." Thus, it translates to denote an affirming  resolve to do something or achieve something spiritual 

In this episode James reminds us that we need to recognise the need to cultivate awareness of  the habits you have, to acknowledge where so called bad habits are having a detrimental  affect (which is not always evident at the time), as well as the good habits we are not  cultivating by “getting in our own way”  

This was a content rich episode for me. Very little fast forwarding… There’s much to hang  your thinking hat on… here’s a summary of his 4 laws to make habits stick! 

1. Make habits obvious - visual cues that are easy to remind you. 

2. Make habits attractive, motivating and compelling 

3. Make it easy and convenient to perform them 

4. Make it satisfying and or rewarding to some degree. 

I liked the practical approaches and case studies referenced during the podcast. His book is a  good choice to explore.  

Maybe a Christmas List option? Further details & links below 

Jan Benn @love.your.practice 1


https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ww8SAwJJgzg2FcwPnYlOO? si=JPabk_7WRo-RnhnDH8HUAg 


https://www.amazon.co.uk/James-Atomic-Habits-Proven-Habits/dp/ B07VQKP8ZJ/ref=sr_1_3? 

crid=23QIZJIBRISKO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QtPow_P1W4cThIDLYkw-0C3bI8 3cDZhY_RpvjkJFWl4s7MPhWxRTUredqj3OlxfcBzNUkET1X5xHh08hCmeU pTVjBlpCZ5vNKqC6_GEbo2S3vDYWplODUeApfGbQQJE63pWtmjWwll9B qCXGN21cpNh 

k-8rIIaGUVG1J6kt78bcZwl1I8_6IBndQo3QtMOwsKcccmdnSAfWjBU2hS7w h8CrC6phdXX2sTy3EylNFd8.XxuydsZLBlaZyirpYk 

TNK9uw0asiiXmiXQgMaOY4-0&dib_tag=se&keywords=atomic+habits&nsd OptOutParam=true&qid=1727952674&sprefix=atomic+habits,aps,358&sr=8-3 

Jan Benn @love.your.practice 2

Jan Benn - Mind Body Focus

Jan Benn

Jan Benn - Mind Body Focus

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